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A Registered Dietitian Shares Her Top Health Products As a Mom


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Being a mom means playing many roles at home. Chef, activity coordinator, and boo-boo fixer are just some of the responsibilities that fall on the plates of many moms (and dads, too!). 

When I think about the health products that come in handy on a weekly, and sometimes daily, basis, several come to mind—not only for my well-being but for my children and husband, too. Eating balanced meals, frequent exercise, and spending time outside are some of the habits I practice daily to support my health. I also incorporate certain products to complement these efforts. 

Supplements play a huge role in my self-care routine. While some I use only on an as-need basis like if I have a cold, others are part of my daily routine. As a mom, my main goal is to keep my kids as healthy and happy as possible. While I may not be able to fight off every runny nose or cough that crosses our path, I am confident the health products I keep in our rotation play an essential role in supporting our bodies. 

So, if you are searching for products that support your and your family’s health, look no further! I have you covered with my top mom-recommended health products. Read on to learn more. 

Add-ins for Balanced Smoothies

Fruit and veggie-based smoothies are an amazing way to pack tons of produce into your day. These blended drinks are especially helpful for picky eaters who may not eat much fruit or veg and are an easy way to load in some health boosters, too. 

I like to start with at least two cups of fruits and vegetables in every smoothie I make. While this provides loads of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and good-quality carbohydrates, we need to add more ingredients to make this a well-rounded meal or snack.  


First things first, we need a protein source. Protein powders are a convenient way to boost protein in a smoothie. They are a good option to add more substance and nutrition to your homemade smoothies. At home, we often use plant-based protein powders, which tend to contain more fiber. 

Protein serves many functions in your body, including fluid balance, maintenance, repair and growth of tissues, and immune system support. Some children are wary of the texture of meat and, therefore, may have a hard time getting enough protein from their food sources. This is another perk of serving a protein smoothie, as you can easily provide them essential protein in a form they enjoy. In addition to protein powder, you can also use yogurt, nutsseeds, and nut butter to add protein to a smoothie. 

Healthy Fats

Speaking of nuts and seeds, fat is another nutrient essential to making your smoothie a balanced meal. An often-overlooked nutrient in smoothies, there are some super simple ways to add high-quality fat to your next batch. Chopped nutsseeds, and nut butter all contain healthy fats that are essential to your health. 

While each variety contains its own unique balance of nutrients, unsaturated fats are common among all nuts and seeds. Research suggests these unsaturated fats may lessen inflammation within your body, improve blood cholesterol levels, and even help reduce the risk of developing heart disease.1 Recent evidence also suggests that introducing common allergens, like nuts, to kiddos early and often may reduce the likelihood of developing an allergy.2 Another perk of adding these healthy fats into your smoothie! 

Essential Supplements

Now that you have an outline for creating healthy, balanced, homemade smoothies, let’s talk about some supplements that can benefit your health. Of course, eating well is a cornerstone of health, but getting all the essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and more from food alone can be challenging. 

Daily Multivitamin

Even if you eat great-quality food, there may be nutrient gaps in your diet. That is why a daily multivitamin is so important. The purpose of a multivitamin is not to make up for poor food choices—instead, it can complement your eating plan and fill in nutrient gaps along the way. 

Multivitamins aren’t only important for adults—children can benefit from them, too. Depending on their age, look for liquid or chewable multivitamins for your little one as well. 


Multivitamins contain a wide variety of nutrients, from water- and fat-soluble vitamins to minerals. Some even contain Omega-3 fats. 

Remember those unsaturated fats found in nuts and seeds? Well, one particularly important type of unsaturated fat is Omega-3. While you can get this nutrient from food sources like chia seedstuna, salmon, and walnuts, a more concentrated option is an Omega-3 supplement

For people who don’t eat these omega-3-rich foods frequently, a supplement is a great option to ensure you are consuming enough of this essential nutrient. Omega-3 is a heart-healthy fat that also may positively influence mental health, brain health during pregnancy and early life, and may reduce inflammation in the body. 

Nutrients for Immune Support

While multivitamins cover many of these essential nutrients required for optimal health and Omega-3 has many benefits, several other supplements are known to specifically support your immune system. 


Zinc is most concentrated in animal-based foods and fortified products. However, supplemental zinc is another way to ensure you get enough of this nutrient to support your immune system. Zinc supports the development and proper functioning of immune cells; even mild deficiencies of this nutrient can negatively impact immunity. 


Probiotics may also help support immunity. Like zinc, you can consume probiotics in foods you eat, especially fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, and kimchi. However, those foods don’t make the daily menu plan for many people. In that case, supplemental probiotics are incredibly beneficial. 

Probiotics are living microorganisms that may help balance the bacteria in your digestive tract and support your immune system, digestive regularity, and mental health. Some strains may even benefit heart health, too. 

As with all supplements, it is best to speak with your healthcare provider before adding products to your wellness routine, as some may interact with medications or can be contraindicated in some health conditions. 

Bee Propolis

One of the more unique health products I always have on hand is bee propolis. I learned about it a year or two ago, and now I am never without it. Propolis is produced by bees and is an integral component of their hives. While it aids in the hive’s structure, propolis also protects it against bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. 

When taken as a supplement, propolis may help fight off bacteria and viruses, helping to support your immune system. You can take bee propolis in many forms, including capsules, throat sprays, liquid, and powdered forms you can add to your food—even that homemade smoothie. This adds one additional layer to your immunity and overall health, especially during the colder months when viruses tend to be more prevalent. 

Mental Health

Mental health as a mom is just as important as physical health, and there are numerous ways you can support your mental well-being. One of the reasons I try to spend time outside every single day is because I find it benefits my well-being. I believe my children get a lot out of it, too. Fresh air, sun, and the sounds of the outdoors can all be soothing and refreshing. 

Similarly, exercise can be a great outlet to support your mental and physical health. The endorphins released during exercise can boost your mood. You may also notice a release of stress and tension when exercising. 

Pampering myself, even in the simplest ways, is another way I support my mental health. An hour away from home to get my nails done, an occasional facial, or an at-home relaxation method are all incredibly effective ways to help me destress and boost my mood. 

A diffuser with essential oils can help you create a more relaxing environment. Lavender, sandalwood, and clary sage are three scents thought to aid in relaxation and stress reduction. 

Drawing a nice warm bath with aromatherapy bubbles is another easy at-home way to support your mental health. At the same time, you can enjoy some beauty care that adds to the relaxing moment. Face masks and hair masks are easy to keep on hand and add another layer of pampering. 


Physical and mental health can look different from person to person—we all have our own approaches to supporting our well-being. Most important is making time to take care of yourself while taking care of your loved ones, too. While physical health in the form of food choices, supplements, and immune support may take priority daily, be sure to set aside time to support your mental health, too. 

DISCLAIMER:This Wellness Hub does not intend to provide diagnosis... Read More



  1. Monounsaturated Fat | American Heart Association. Accessed November 28, 2022.
  2. Peters RL, Krawiec M, Koplin JJ, Santos AF. Update on food allergy. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology. 2021;32(4):647. doi:10.1111/PAI.13443